Mission and message
At the heart of everything I write is my call for a shift towards more a more regenerative culture and ecological ways of knowing. How we learn is at the heart of this. I think that learning is accelerated when people collaborate to solve real problems in real contexts, seeking the means to thrive, fully powered by imaginative play and tapping into cultural knowledge. The real problems, on micro or macro scale, concrete or abstract in nature, are all rooted in the human relationship with the biosphere, the flaw in which has led to our actions breaching several planetary boundaries.
I’m especially interested in the role of cultural organisations and creative practitioners in articulating and solving these problems. I believe that ‘Cultural’ opportunities help people, places and planet thrive, and that in turn, a thriving world allows rich and diverse ‘cultures’ to grow. By ‘cultural opportunities’ I mean a very broad set of things – having freedom and resources to learn and enquire, to cherish our shared heritage, to express feelings, be imaginative, make things and innovate for the future. This contributes to wellbeing in the wider ‘culture’ – in all the ways we communicate, celebrate, critique and create as a society.
I also speak at many conferences and events, offer training workshops and toolkits about these topics, so please contact me on bridget.mckenzie@flowassociates.com if you are interested.
Research for clients
I have carried out over 100 research projects for clients independently, or through Flow Associates or Climate Museum UK. For example, research on Sustainable Food & museums, or the Listening Project on how cultural learning can respond to young people’s concerns about the Earth crisis.
Writing for myself
I use Medium as my priority place for blogging, including on the publications Stories of Extraction and Extreme Weather Stories. Some ‘go to’ recent pieces are: ‘We need powerful stories’ and ’70 years: have we learned from the Great Flood?’
List of publications
Current projects
- ‘Earth Talk’ – book, online community and course on engaging people in the Earth crisis
- The Roles of Culture in Response to the Earth Crisis – provocation paper
- Horizon-scan of cultural learning, children & young people in the context of the Earth crisis – a substantial compilation of issues & drivers for change, 2023 (research in progress)
- Culture Takes Action toolkit for ‘declarers’ in response to the Emergency (BETA stage)
Articles, chapters & selected research reports
All the below are published in books, journals or online platforms:
- ‘How can artful learning help young people in the context of the Earth crisis?’ (for Ecologies in Practice, Goldsmiths, Palgrave MacMillan, ed Miranda Matthews)
- ‘Collecting as emergency response to the Earth crisis’ (in ‘Ethics of Contemporary Collecting’, edited by Ellie Miles)
- ‘The Emergency is an Octopus! Museums activating the public in a planetary emergency’. Book chapter, in Museums and the Climate Crisis, edited by Nick Merriman, Routledge. December 2023
- ‘Case Study 8: Climate Museum UK: Practices in Response to the Traumasphere’, in Toxic Heritage, Routledge, 2023 https://www.routledge.com/Toxic-Heritage-Legacies-Futures-and-Environmental-Injustice/Kryder-Reid-May/p/book/9781032429977
- ‘Arts Activism and the Earth crisis’, Sept 2023, Arts Professional https://www.artsprofessional.co.uk/magazine/369/feature/arts-activism-and-earth-crisis
- ‘Time to Mend: rewilding museums’, 2022. In Museums and Social Issues, Vol 16, Special volume on Repair https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/15596893.2022.2055961
- See the Earth crisis report in this series of Listening Projects – listening to young people, parents & educators on their concerns about the Earth crisis and how cultural education can respond, commissioned by A New Direction, 2021
- Sustainable Food – international research on how museums & informal science education can engage audiences with food sustainability, overseen & largely written by me, commissioned by the Science Museum with international partners. 2021.
- Museums in an Earth crisis: a conversation on museums, collecting and radical change’. Book chapter in ‘Reimagining Museums for Climate Action’, 2021, UCL, edited by Colin Sterling, https://www.museumsforclimateaction.org/mobilise/book
- ‘Towards Regenerative Cultures for Museums’, 2020, We Are Museums, https://medium.com/we-are-museums/towards-regenerative-cultures-for-museums-by-bridget-mckenzie-climate-museum-uk-7c09f85cf2b6
- ‘The intersection between Culture, Community & Environment’, 2021, CILIP https://www.cilip.org.uk/news/567727/The-intersection-between-culture-community-and-the-environment.htm
- ‘Climate Museum UK: a contemporary response to the earth crisis’. In Museum Management and Curatorship, Volume 35, Issue 6 (2020), Museums & Climate Action special edition, edited by Joy Davies. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/figure/10.1080/09647775.2020.1837003
- ‘Climate action for the next generation’, March 2020, Apolitical. https://apolitical.co/solution-articles/en/climate-action-for-the-next-generation
- ‘Communicating environmental impact and priorities to audiences’, 2019, Museums Association, Museums Journal https://www.museumsassociation.org/museums-journal/in-practice/2019/10/15102019-communicating-environmental-impact-and-policies-to-audiences/
- Account of participating in the Climate Hack 2018 at University of Cambridge Museums. https://thelearningplanet.wordpress.com/2018/01/24/ngaru-at-climate-hack-2018/ I created a website for our entry, in which we created a ghost boat and pop-up exhibition https://ngarughostboat.wordpress.com/
- ‘The Possible Museum: Anticipating Future Scenarios’, 2018, in ‘Addressing the Challenges in Communicating Climate Change to Various Audiences’, in the series ‘Climate Change Management’, Springer https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-98294-6
- ‘Towards the Sociocratic Museum: how and why museums can radically change and how digital can help’. In CODE| WORDS: Technology and theory in the museum. 2015, Edinburgh
- ‘How can digital services enhance museum learning and partnerships with schools’, 2015, for Flow Associates, commissioned by the Stronger Together partnership.
- ‘The Happy Museum: a tale of how it could turn out all right’, 2011, The Happy Museum Project.
- ‘Mapping the Use of the Digital Technologies in the Heritage Sector’, Flow Associates and the Collections Trust for the Heritage Lottery Fund. 2010. (No longer online.)
Three articles in the engage journal (National Association for Gallery Education):
- ‘Cultural Education for a Changed Planet’, 2014, in ‘Art and Climate Change’ (check date)
- ‘Quests Driven by Questions: creative research as a learning methodology’, 2006
- ‘The difference money makes: the ethics of corporate funding of gallery education’, in the ‘25 years of gallery education’ special issue.
Four articles published on Dark Mountain website:
- Restoring Original Names in Places and People, November 2019 https://dark-mountain.net/restoring-original-names-in-places-and-people/
- To Dwell On Our Dreams, 2014, https://dark-mountain.net/to-dwell-on-our-dreams/
- Good Grief, 2013, https://dark-mountain.net/good-grief/
- The Uses of Photography in a Crisis, 2012, https://dark-mountain.net/the-uses-of-photography-in-a-crisis/
Blogposts (i.e. self-published)
Below is a small selection from 103 articles on Medium
- The Role of Culture: Justice, Adaptation & Transition
- Actions for Hope and Planetary Citizenship – a call to declare emergency and take action on climate, justice and nature
- Lusto – A Dynamic Museum (about fluministic, collapse-aware museums responding to the nature crisis)
- From Communication to Activation – challenging notions of communicating about climate & nature to stretch towards activation
- Earth Crisis Blinkers – beyond carbon, expanding how we think about the problem
- The Pandemic and the Earth Crisis – substantial collection of links between Covid-19 and environmental themes
I’ve also written 271 blogposts on The Learning Planet
Collecting projects & learning resources – selected
- Extreme Weather Stories, have authored many pieces on Medium publication – reports, witness accounts and reflections on extreme weather & climate change. Climate Museum UK. https://medium.com/extreme-weather-stories
- Stories of Extraction, have authored many pieces on Medium publication – an enquiry into extractivism & museums, delivered for our Museum Activism Award in Climate Museum UK. https://medium.com/stories-of-extraction/archive
- Culture Takes Action toolkit
- People Take Action – a framework and toolkit for expanding people’s activism and sense of agency
- Climate and Colonialism. KS3 education toolkit for A New Direction https://www.anewdirection.org.uk/resources/teaching-for-creativity/what-are-the-links-between-colonialism-the-environment
Published creative writing and art
122 poems & creative pieces published on Graftage https://graftage.wordpress.com/
Multiple photographs, poems, creative non-fiction pieces in Dark Mountain books, 2009 – 2020