This framework that I’ve developed as a tool for Climate Museum UK offers eight pathways for people to take action on the Earth crisis in any area of influence they have. It aims to expand thinking about what action is possible, seeing all actions as ‘personal actions’ within our blended lives as consumers, friends, citizens and workers.
You’ve seen those lists of easy things you can do? You see them at the end of news reports on climate breakdown or on biodiversity campaign sites.
Do they make you feel better, as they’re supposed to? Or do you feel overwhelmed? Maybe you already do most things on the list and you know about the rest. Perhaps you’re involved in a group, campaign or local community action and you want something to motivate and challenge people. Or, do you get frustrated with limited ideas about what action is possible? These limited ideas lead to binary arguments such as “personal lifestyle action versus big system changes”.
I’ve created a toolkit (plus extra downloadable assets) that help our associates and anyone else use the framework for effective change in groups and communities.
It’s informed by four principles:
- Being authentic: There is nobody but ourselves!
- Being collaborative: Let’s work together!
- Being Possitopian: Let’s imagine!
- The Regenerative Flip: Know what’s wrong and show what’s possible!
The People Take Action framework emerged alongside my Culture Takes Action framework, which is aimed at the Cultural sector. I realised there was a need for structured tools to help us engage with people in places, in all kinds of organisations and communities of interest, not just in the Cultural sector.
The toolkit contains:
- Background on why we must act and where this framework comes from
- Tools on knowing what’s wrong and showing what’s possible
- A tool about Inner Work
- Recipes for running workshops with groups around the framework
- Resources on each of the eight pathways
- Showing how you can use the framework to intervene in systems, focusing on the food system.
You can download the People Take Action toolkit from here. Within the toolkit, you’ll find a link to a Google folder where you can download separate assets, including slides for the workshops and materials to share on social media.
Get in touch via climatemuseumuk@gmail.com if you would like to discuss running a People Take Action with your group.